"UA Experts"

Creation and upbringing of a caring society

NGO “UA Experts”

UA Experts is a united team of experts, scientists, practitioners, peacekeepers that has been active in human rights, social and research activities for more than 10 years.

It was created to implement and protect the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen, to satisfy public, in particular, economic, social, cultural, educational and other interests.

The priority of the activity is expert, scientific, research assistance to the State in reforms, the implementation of the UN goals of sustainable development, the goals of the Government Strategy and the Government Action Plan, as well as the implementation of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union, the European Community.


Dear like-minded people,

The priority of our activity is development of the rule of law, anti-corruption policy, economic growth, human capital and e-governance.

Using a wide network of verified partners from around the world, we help the state and society consolidate partnership relations with international partners and act in the interests of society.

To achieve our statutory goals, we follow the principles and values of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the Government Strategy and the Government Action Plan, the implementation of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union, the European Atomic Energy Community and their member states.

Only together and by joint efforts we may form a legal intelligentsia, whose activity and conclusions will be useful not only to the State, but also to every caring Ukrainian in the world.

Serhii Nizhynskyi

God, let us love Ukraine above all today — having it, so that we don't have to love bitterly after losing it.

Viacheslav Chornovil

Our team

Our projects


Introducing advocacy practices and mechanisms into national legislation to respond to and prevent conflict-related sexual violence.

MENTORING FOR LEADERS: EU Integration and Recovery of Ukraine

Mentoring for inclusive recovery and human capital development

TAKE A STEP. Empathy overcomes violence.

Campaign against domestic violence

Latest news

UA Experts
UA Experts1 day ago
UA Experts
UA Experts6 days ago
🗣️ 11 жовтня відбулося засідання UA Experts Leadership Club — менторська зустріч із Томашем Фіалою, СEO «Dragon Capital»

Основною темою зустрічі було обговорення досвіду пана Фіали побудови та ведення успішного бізнесу в Україні, а також перспективи відкриття власної справи під час війни та після перемоги

✅ Членів клубу надзвичайно зацікавила тема інвестування в українську економіку та аналіз правильних алгоритмів такої діяльності

Пан Фіала високо оцінив активність та підготовку членів клубу та зазначив, що такі обʼєднання допомагають формувати культуру лідерства як серед молоді, так і серед старших людей, які працюють у різноманітних сферах

🫂 Наприкінці зустрічі Голова ГО «UA Experts» Сергій Ніжинський Sergiy Nizhynskyi вручив спікеру унікальні подарунки — набір марок Acting For Survivors та брошку у вигляді квітки ріпаку, яка символізує боротьбу проти сексуального насильства, повʼязаного з конфліктом

Дякуємо пану Фіалі за змістовну та інтерактивну зустріч, яка обʼєднала активних студентів із різних куточків України — членів UA Experts Leadership Club

❗️ Нагадуємо, що подати заявку для приєднання до клубу можна за посиланням

#UAExperts #ActingForSurvivors #UAExpertsLeadershipClub

People about us

Ukrainian Bar Association
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Dear Mr. Serhii, On behalf of the Ukrainian Bar Association, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to you for your extremely valuable support and cooperation during the organization of the 10th Conference on Criminal Law and Procedure. We are grateful to the NGO “UA Experts” for the generous charitable contribution that made it possible to organize the forum at a high level, as well as gather more than 130 participants. Mrs. Ievgenia's speech was extremely useful, informative and certainly interesting for the participants and guests of the event.
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The Department of Education, Youth and Sports of Smila City Council expresses its gratitude to “UA Experts” for the organization and holding of the public discussion “Cherkasy. Interaction between local authorities and the public in preventing and responding to conflict-related sexual violence”, the opportunity to participate in the event for a specialist, a representative of the youth and sports department of the Department of Education, Youth and Sports of the Smila City Council, which is responsible for coordinating activities in Smila for the implementation of the state policy on combating violence and human trafficking. The event was relevant, meaningful, interesting, and informative. Useful information obtained during the discussion will be used in further work. We will be sincerely grateful for continued cooperation and the opportunity to participate in similar events in the future. We wish Victory, a peaceful sky and success!
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Our organization Cherkasy Human Rights Center expresses its gratitude to “UA Experts” for holding and organizing the public discussion “Cherkasy. Interaction between local authorities and the public in preventing and responding to conflict-related sexual violence”. The event was quite meaningful and informative, and raised a very relevant topic in today’s Ukrainian context, which is important for the prosperity of the legal state of Ukraine. At the same time, our organization is willing to continue participating in similar events in the future to make a joint contribution to combating sexual violence.
Khmelnytskyi Chamber of Commerce and Industry
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The Khmelnytskyi Chamber of Commerce and Industry certifies its respect and expresses its sincere gratitude to you for organizing and holding events in the Khmelnytskyi region on May 25-26, 2023 with the aim of preventing violence against women and domestic violence and combating these phenomena in the conditions of full-scale war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. Developed proposals for changes to the current legislation of Ukraine will contribute to improving the procedure for court consideration of cases related to proving the guilt of offenders for committing sexual violence and bringing the perpetrators to justice. The materials prepared during the discussions will help to deepen the interaction between business, the public, and the authorities on the development of effective mechanisms for responding to and countering violence in the territory of Khmelnytskyi region, reintegration of victims of CRSV into communities, improvement of the methodology of providing social and psychological assistance to persons affected by domestic violence and violence based on sex. We express our gratitude for the professionalism of the NGO “UA Experts” and your personal expert contribution to the consideration of these issues, and we express the readiness of the Khmelnytskyi Chamber of Commerce and Industry to further support your organization's holding of events within the framework of future initiatives and projects in the territory of Khmelnytskyi region.
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On behalf of the Buchansk City Council and on my own behalf, I would like to sincerely thank you and the team of the NGO “UA Experts” for organizing, holding and your personal participation in the important public discussion for the Buchansk community on the following topic “Irpin. Bucha. Interaction of local self-government and the public in the prevention and response to sexual violence in the context of conflict” as part of the project “Introduction of advocacy practices and mechanisms into national legislation for the purpose of response and prevention of conflict-related sexual violence” that took place on June 23, 2023. In Ukraine, as well as in the territory of the Buchansk territorial community, which was occupied March 3-31, 2022, the process of proving the guilt of offenders for committing sexual violence in the conditions of a war is still urgent. We believe that the publicity of the discussion process with the participation of responsible representatives of the government and the Kyiv regional military administration, local self-government bodies will contribute to the increase of appeals, the establishment of the process of solving crimes and the building of trust between victims and representatives of the authorities.The practices developed will be used in the future to bring perpetrators of sexual violence to responsibility. We also assure you that the Buchansk community and our practical experience of psychosocial support for families after the occupation can be used in this and other important projects. We believe in our joint victory and know for sure that the mental and physical health of the population of the de-occupied territories is an important factor for the further development of Ukraine. Once again, we express our gratitude to you for your work in this direction!

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