"UA Experts"
Creation and upbringing of a caring society
NGO “UA Experts”
UA Experts is a united team of experts, scientists, practitioners, peacekeepers that has been active in human rights, social and research activities for more than 10 years.
It was created to implement and protect the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen, to satisfy public, in particular, economic, social, cultural, educational and other interests.
The priority of the activity is expert, scientific, research assistance to the State in reforms, the implementation of the UN goals of sustainable development, the goals of the Government Strategy and the Government Action Plan, as well as the implementation of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union, the European Community.
Dear like-minded people,
The priority of our activity is development of the rule of law, anti-corruption policy, economic growth, human capital and e-governance.
Using a wide network of verified partners from around the world, we help the state and society consolidate partnership relations with international partners and act in the interests of society.
To achieve our statutory goals, we follow the principles and values of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the Government Strategy and the Government Action Plan, the implementation of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union, the European Atomic Energy Community and their member states.
Only together and by joint efforts we may form a legal intelligentsia, whose activity and conclusions will be useful not only to the State, but also to every caring Ukrainian in the world.
Serhii Nizhynskyi
God, let us love Ukraine above all today — having it, so that we don't have to love bitterly after losing it.
Viacheslav Chornovil
Our team
Sergii Nizhynskyi
Head of the organization
Anna Kryzhanivska
SMM Expert
Kateryna Opanasenko
Yuliia Ursul
Expert on graphic design
Oleksandr Shevchuk
GDPR Expert
Yuliia Nizhynska
Expert on Art Direction
Gennadii Baibakov
Expert on organizational and technical issues
Andrii Yaromenko
Expert, lawyer
Snizhana Kushch
Chief national coordinator
Oksana Nechytailo
National coordinator
Oleksandr Ivanchenko
IT Expert
Our projects
Introducing advocacy practices and mechanisms into national legislation to respond to and prevent conflict-related sexual violence.
MENTORING FOR LEADERS: EU Integration and Recovery of Ukraine
Mentoring for inclusive recovery and human capital development
Latest news
Подкаст вийде вже скоро на YouTube каналі UA Experts:
Героїня зіграла у новому фільмі «Буча» (2024) постраждалу від сексуального насильства, повʼязаного з конфліктом. Під час подкасту Анастасія розповіла, як вона передавала цей образ, чому погодилася на таку роль і чому зараз важливо бути чуйними і не мовчати про СНПК.
🤝🏻 Анастасія Нестеренко стала нашим амбасадором боротьби з СНПК від ГО «UA Experts» та отримала брошку з квіткою ріпаку, що символізує підтримку постраждалих від СНПК.
Зовсім скоро Анастасія розіграє брошку з квіткою ріпаку у своєму Instagram
А ви вже чекаєте нового випуску подкасту? 😊
Офіс Віцепрем’єрки з питань європейської та євроатлантичної інтеграції
Фонд Народонаселення ООН в Україні - UNFPA Ukraine
Sergiy Nizhynskyi
#UAExperts #ActingForSurvivors #ResponseAndPrevention